#include#include #include using namespace std;/** * url:http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/other_data_types/ *//** * in which all its member elements occupy the same physical space in memory. * The size of this type is the one of the largest member element */union mytypes_t{ char c; int i; float f;} mytypes;/** * 枚举类,注意不是枚举类型,语法如下 *///They are declared with enum class (or enum struct) instead of just enum:enum class Colors : long { black, blue, green};enum Color2{ black2, blue2, green2, white};enum class EyeColor : char { blue, green, brown};//大神解说 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/21722362//enum Color//{// //编译出错,重新定义white// black, white, red//equals this//#define black 0//#define white 1//#define red 2//};//that is okenum class Color{ black, white, red};// auto white = false; // errortemplate void f(T t){ using tt = T; tt t2; t2 = t; typedef T ttt; ttt t3 = t;}int main(){ /** * 类型别名 * 继承自c * typedef existing_type new_type_name; * c++ * using new_type_name=existing_type */ typedef char C_1; C_1 c = 'A'; using C_2 = char; C_2 cc = 'B'; f(10); Colors mycolor; mycolor = Colors::black; if(mycolor == Colors::black) { mycolor = Colors::blue; } //只有一个字节长度噢 cout << sizeof(EyeColor) << endl; cout << sizeof(Colors) << endl; cout << sizeof(Color2) << endl; return 0;}
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